Reitzcraft Construction
Reitzcraft Construction provides a genuine, custom contracting experience. With years of practical trade skills as well as an extensive network of quality subcontractors, they bring a unique combination of modern styling and trade heritage.
Client: Jeff Reitz (GC + Handyman)
Sector: Construction & Trades
Category: Brand Strategy, Naming, Messaging, Visual Identity, Website & Collateral Design
Communicating Capability
Jeff came to us during his transition from handyman to general contractor. He was licensed for and had begun taking on projects in a this larger, more complex scale, but didn’t have his brand established to communicate this shift in scope and capabilities. It was important to leverage past clients and previous experience for initial value proposition as well as have at least some visual connection to the previous brand, but otherwise the creative exercise began with foundational strategic elements that clarified his unique position in the market.
Build Trust First
Jeff’s unassuming personal brand was built upon a reputation of quality craftsmanship and the integrity by which he handled projects. These two traits were expanded upon in both the clever naming convention and brand positioning statements. Relationships are key to delivering an amazing result and often overlooked in the production oriented field of construction. We’ve helped elevate this trust formed rapport by creating a visual process diagram.

![AdobeStock_420438651 [Converted].png](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bb64c50b2cf79b71df3fd1e/18e44d8a-f8a6-4ca6-973f-fde40b674ac1/AdobeStock_420438651+%5BConverted%5D.png)

Jeff Reitz | Owner of Reitzcraft Construction
“Fletcher helped me not only create a brand, but also an identity behind it… along with collateral and a solid website. Being relatively new to the idea of building a brand and culture around the business, his guidance has increased my pride in the company and how it represents my values as a business owner and craftsman.”
Business Renovation
The creation of the Reitzcraft Construction brand has been a renovation of the way Jeff communicate’s his unique qualities to prospects and clients. There is a clear since of pride and presentation. And like any great tradesperson would tell you, there is always a specific tool for the job, so we’ve outfitted the brand with a suite of assets that allow professional representation across various applications and documentation.